Welcome to the Central West Cycle Trail Shop
The Central West Cycle Trail has been developed by local cyclists who know the backroads between the towns. It is located in the state of New South Wales, Australia approx 4 hours from Sydney.
You can find out more about the trail by visiting our main site.
Mendooran Food Cycle Thursday 15 May and Sunday 18 May

Goonoo fingerposts
Donate to signpost Goonoo! NSW National Parks
and Wildlive (NPWS) has agreed to the installation of fingerposts signs by the
CWC in the Goonoo forest. For the trail this is a real breakthrough in being
officially recognised and jointly working with a government land management
The signs, with the international bicycle symbol, NPWS and
CWC logos will help give the trail a real presence and provide reassurance of
the way to cyclists.
Each sign costs $190 and will be installed as we get funds
to pay for them. Donations for signage are in amounts of $25, so if you
want to donate for a complete sign buy 8 units of donation. If you buy a whole
sign email us at info@cyclewestcycletrail.com.au and we will give that a plug
to encourage others to do so and tell you where your sign has been installed.
With funds coming from cyclists the trail truly remains a
project by cyclists for cyclists.
Enjoy promoting the trail, add to your wardrobe and help the CWC raise funds by buying at T-shirt. The t-shirts are printed by OGO in Melbourne and shipped directly from there, taking 10 to 14 days from order.

General Donation
The CWCT has ongoing costs with maintaining a website, electronic navigation facility (RideWithGPS) and insurance for the group's activities. But we particularly need donations for specific projects, signage, a tap and tank access at a local hall, a charging station for e-bikes, noticeboards in towns, laminated maps at key local business.

CWC Guide Book
Trail guide, memento or inspiration to ride is the new 22 page Central West Cycle Trail guide book. Each of the 10 legs of the 400km has a separate map, photos, key features and direction notes. Photographs have been contributed by numerous riders of the trail. Although we live in the wonder of the electronic age a publication for browsing or reading jointly with others provides a special joy. NOTE: your billing address will be delivery address. Published September 2023.

The Central West Cycle Trail Incorporated (CWCT) is a non-profit membership-based association. To date the organisation has developed and promoted the trail without government funding. It is a truly a community-created bicycle trail!
Membership (1 July to 30 June) is: $10 for individuals; $20 for families/groups; $30 for businesses
Other Options
If you would prefer to pay by other methods there are two options :
Make a bank transfer to the CWCT account at Family First Credit Union. Account details are –
BSB 802-207 Account 100057167
On the bank transfer reference please type in your surname and send us an email at info@centralwestcycletrail.com.au stating what your payment is for.
Or send a cheque payable to
Central West Cycle Trail Inc. Mailing address Treasurer CWCT c/ Box 42 Mudgee NSW 2850.